Saturday, April 27, 2024

Command in C++ Design Patterns

command design pattern

The Command interface declares a method, often named execute(). This method is meant to encapsulate a specific operation. The interface sets a contract for concrete command classes, defining the execute() method that encapsulates the operation to be performed. Redux's Actions are conceptually similar to Commands, as they represent the operations users can execute to change the application's state. However, since they are simple JSON objects consisting only of an id and a payload - without any implementation logic - they are much lighter. The implementation moves entirely to the receivers, called reducers in Redux.

How to Implement

It may help you in taking the right decision about using command pattern. Just one thing, @Override annotations is not allowed for methods that implement an interface method. Although there are many ways to implement undo/redo, the Command pattern is perhaps the most popular of all.

command design pattern


Create a class file called CloseCommand.cs and copy and paste the following code. The following class also does the same thing as the previous two classes. Second, a constructor initializes the Receiver Object, i.e., the document. It also has the Execute method, which calls the Close method of the Receiver Object, i.e., the Document object Close Method. These benefits contribute to a more robust and adaptable design. Let’s move now to create our command pattern example client program that will consume our file system utility.

command design pattern


Command design pattern leverages the Open/Closed principle. A method contains the implementation code that describes a specific behavior of an object during runtime. In contrast to classes and objects, methods don't have a runtime representation. There is not such a concept as a method instance (which would basically be a request).

CommandBar lands $19M to inject in-app searches with smarts - TechCrunch

CommandBar lands $19M to inject in-app searches with smarts.

Posted: Thu, 28 Apr 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

It holds a reference to a command but doesn’t delve into the specifics of how each command works. It’s like a button that, when pressed, makes things happen. The remote control’s role is to coordinate and execute commands without getting involved in the complexities of individual actions. Command pattern is a data driven design pattern and falls under behavioral pattern category. A request is wrapped under an object as command and passed to invoker object. Invoker object looks for the appropriate object which can handle this command and passes the command to the corresponding object which executes the command.

It is up to the application team to decide what action will be executed when a button is clicked. With command design pattern, the executor of the command (button component) does not need to know anything about the command being executed. For example, execute add operation when + button is clicked and execute subtract operation when- butting is clicked. We implement command design pattern by creating separate command classes. Command pattern is a behavioral design pattern which is useful to abstract business logic into discrete actions which we call commands. This command object helps in loose coupling between two classes where one class (invoker) shall call a method on other class (receiver) to perform a business operation.

UML class diagram

This pattern is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to parameterize objects with operations and queue, specify, and execute requests at different times. We will look at a real life scenario where we can implement Command pattern. Let’s say we want to provide a File System utility with methods to open, write and close file.

Command Pattern Examples in C++

Each reducer has to define which type of action it can handle and how this action would affect the current state. This approach already resembles most of the Command pattern. There is only a slight addition we have to make, which is providing a general command interface so that all types of commands can be handled uniformly.

.NET Optimized code in C#

After that, the command object is put on the redo stack so that it gets executed the next time the user invokes Redo. One central question to answer is how to inject all relevant context information, like receivers and parameters, into your commands. One way would be to have an execute method that accepts a parameter of type Object or any. The concrete command implementations are responsible for casting this parameter to the desired type.

The simplest solution is to create tons of subclasses for each place where the button is used. These subclasses would contain the code that would have to be executed on a button click. Finally let’s look into the client code which will actually generate random commands towards the receiver class “FMRadio”. The receiver is responsible for performing the actual work when a command is executed. For example, in a home automation system, the receiver could be a “Light” object that understands how to turn on and off. If we want to configure the remote for the speaker, we can just pass the Speaker instance to concrete commands while configuring the Invoker like below.

We have concrete command classes BuyStock and SellStock implementing Order interface which will do actual command processing. A class Broker is created which acts as an invoker object. Undo/Redo OperationsCommand design pattern provides the ability to undo and redo a command. Each concrete command object can have a unexecute() method that can undo an operation. A separate stack can be maintained to keep track of the executed command so that it can be used to undo/redo an operation. Before the Invoker processes an undoable command, it stores it in the undo queue.

This enables one to configure a class with a command object that is used to perform a request. The class is no longer coupled to a particular request and has no knowledge (is independent) of how the request is carried out. Use the Command pattern when you want to parametrize objects with operations. In this example, the Command pattern helps to track the history of executed operations and makes it possible to revert an operation if needed. The GUI objects may access the business logic objects directly. Create concrete classes implementing the Order interface.

After we apply the Command pattern, we no longer need all those button subclasses to implement various click behaviors. It’s enough to put a single field into the base Button class that stores a reference to a command object and make the button execute that command on a click. The Device interface declares methods related to device functionality, such as turnOn() and turnOff(). This interface sets a contract for device classes, defining common operations that concrete devices should support. Imagine you are tasked with designing a remote control system for various electronic devices in a smart home. The devices include a TV, a stereo, and potentially other appliances.

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